Dell finally catches up to Apple
Friday, September 28, 2007
It only took over a year (almost 2 I think) for Dell to finally make an LCD that has a camera and microphone built in. Too bad Apple has been doing this for quite a while. It's such a simple and sensible idea that one has to wonder how it can take so long for the geniuses running non-Apple computer manufacturers to implement these ideas. I suppose there is a reason that Apple's laptops are gaining marketshare.
The only thing left now is for them to figure out how to cram the entire PC into the monitor casing and have a computer with only (gasp) 3 necessary cables running to it... instead of the 6 that most WinTel machines need. My pet peeve about cable clutter will be saved for a future post this upcoming week.
Dell LCD with webcam
Thank god for the Cincinnati Bengals
Thursday, September 27, 2007
This was sent to me by Jason. You just can't make this stuff up. The best part about this link is that not only does it make fun of gun toting mid-westerners, it also makes fun of the number one ranked felon for the Bengals, Chris Henry.
Outspoken critics of the Bengals "D" face persecution
yet another burn on Internet Explorer
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I figure after I sent a proselytizing email against Internet Explorer to all Vino users, I should post this picture depicting the difference between some popular web browsers.
Firefox vs. Opera vs. Internet Explorer
Indian cricket team fails to choke
Monday, September 24, 2007
I always joke with my wife that the Indian cricket team chokes whenever it really counts (a la their thrashing at the hands of the Australians in the last World Cup Final)... well it looks like they have gotten over that hump! They won the first ever Twenty20 World Cup. Slightly different format match that is MUCH shorter (thank god!!).
The icing on the cake for Indian fans I guess, is that they beat Pakistan in the final. Let's see them win the actual World Cup now :)
India crowned champions after thriller
Discount on your cell phone bill
I found this posting yesterday and tried it. Since I work for JPL, I get a 15% discount on my monthly cell phone bill! Not bad at all. It's definitely worth taking a look. You do have to give them your work email address, so that they can send a confirmation email to you, making sure you do work for whomever you say.
How to score a discount on your monthly cellular bill
mmm, cheap wine
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Who doesn't appreciate a good cheap bottle of wine? Ok, well maybe not all the time. I don't think I could say that about the Charles Shaw wine that graces the Trader Joe's shelves so rampantly. Although, "two buck chuck" did make it to this article, not to worry, it wasn't one of the recommended wines.
There are some interesting choices on this list, especially the ones from South America. They chose one from Uruguay which most certainly don't associate with winemaking.
Happiness for $10 or Less
Don't end up on this list
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Given that we just moved, I figured this was an appropriate first post. I didn't know about this site before we moved, so thankfully none of our current neighbors are listed.
One of the blogs I often visit, Lifehacker, mentioned this web site last week. Rotten Neighbors is another interesting use of Google Maps open API. Some of the listings are quite funny... while others are a little sad, and yet more are quite scary!
Here are some other interesting uses of Google Maps:
SignalMap - Help truly map cell service throughout the country
WalkScore - How walker friendly is your home?
Let's try this blogging thing
So I caved in finally after contemplating whether or not I wanted to maintain a blog. Not sure how often I will update it, but there's no harm in trying.
For those of you that didn't understand the name of the blog, it's a reference to Seinfeld. I figured since this blog will be about basically anything I find interesting, whether it be things around LA that I see or news stories/web sites... you know, like every other blog out there :-) A reference to 'yada yada yada' from Seinfeld was appropriate. Hey, if Elaine can yada yada sex, then I can yada yada anything I want...